The Recipe Browser Window is the heart of Mangia! It shows you a list of recipes sorted into different Categories. You’ll notice the Browser’s resemblance to a physical recipe box with tabs at the top, the old fashioned way of sorting and showing recipes. Mangia! ’s Recipe Browser allows you to do so much more, though: • Whereas a physical box has just one way of categorizing recipes, the Recipe Browser can sort recipes five different ways (by Nationality, Course, Cooking Method, Main Ingredient and Season) and switch between them instantly by using the pop-up menu at the bottom left of the window). • Furthermore, you can edit the set of tabs that appear on the box. If you are crazy about Italian cooking, you can augment the “Italian” tab with “Sicilian,” “Tuscan,” etc. (the last item on the pop-up menu mentioned above is a command to do this). • Instead of dumping every recipe you have into the box, the Recipe Browser will narrow down the list you see to those recipes which match a description you supply (see the Searching Help topics for more details). • The Recipe Browser will also order the recipes you see by their title or their source (which causes recipes from a single cookbook to be grouped together and ordered by page); sort order is selected from the Recipes menu. The Recipe Browser also provides all the standard features of recipe lists in Mangia! You may: • double-click a recipe to look at it and modify it (or select it, then hit Return or select Show Recipe Card from the Recipes menu); • print any selected recipe(s) or all the recipes in the list; • copy all the recipes or selected recipes to the Recipe Clipboard Window for scaling and assembling meals; • create, then print, a Shopping List of all the ingredients in the recipes. The purpose of the Recipe Browser is to give you a flexible view of your recipe collection. Start by checking off a set of recipe files in the Pick Cookbooks button dialog. Afterwards, the Browser will show you a list of all the recipes in all the files you checked (or at least those under the frontmost tab). However, you can also click on Match What... and use one of the Recipe Finder windows to select the recipes you’re interested in. When you return to the Browser, selecting List Only Matches will narrow the list down to the recipes that match.